Slayer Dungeon Update!
Welcome to our latest update introducing the new Slayer Dungeon!
This dungeon can be found under the following teleport!
You can also use the following commands ::sdung, ::sdung2 & ::sdung3
This NPC Grim Reaper will be the slayer master for the dungeon, Simple right click him to get a task for the dungeon, His task difficulties are listed below.
New Slayer NPCs
Void Swordsman (Tier 1)
Void Heavy (Tier 2)
Mudskipper (Tier3)
Flesh Spawn (Tier4)
Blood Reaver (Tier4)
Ramokee Skinweaver (Tier 5)
Ancient Ranger (Tier 6)
Dreadnought (Tier 7)
Reborn Warrior (Tier 9)
Flesh-Spoiler (Tier 10)
These NPCs can only be killed on task!
New Slayer Helms
Each new slayer helm will give a slightly higher chance to receive the new slayer boxes. These boxes can only be obtained in the slayer dungeon.
Black Slayer Helm
This slayer helm will be obtained from forging a darkness shard (obtained through the slayer box), a slayer helm and 5m cash
*Gives +20% damage on task*
Araxyte Slayer Helm
*Gives +25% damage on task*
This slayer helm will be obtained using the forge table
Purple Slayer Helm
*Gives +30% damage on task*
This slayer helm will be obtained using the forge table
Twisted Slayer Helm
*Gives +35% damage on task*
This slayer helm will be obtained using the forge table
Obsidian Slayer Helm
*Gives +50% damage on task*
This slayer helm will be obtained using the forge table. You will have to get the Volcanic Shard from the new Slayer Mass Boss. The new mass boss will spawn after 45 slayer dungeon tasks
Imbued Hearts
These new imbued hearts will give the following boosts listed below, They also work the same as auras, which mean they have 1 Hour usage with a 3 hour cooldown timer!
Imbued Heart
This imbued heart is obtainable from Slayer Boxes & gives you 1.1x damage boost on task
Imbued Heart (Melee)
This imbued heart is obtainable from the forge table & gives you 1.25x melee damage boost on task
Imbued Heart (Magic)
This imbued heart is obtainable from the forge table & gives you 1.25x magic damage boost on task
Imbued Heart (Range)
This imbued heart is obtainable from the forge table & gives you 1.25x range damage boost on task
Imbued Heart (Enhanced)
This imbued heart is obtainable from the forge table & gives you 1.5x tribrid damage boost on task
Lava Behemoth Mass Boss
Slayer Helm Essences
These slayer essences will be obtainable from the following NPCs below
Melee Essence
Obtainable from Reborn Warriors
Magic Essence
Obtainable from Dreadnot
Range Essence
Obtainable from Flesh Spoilers
Slayer Boxes
Slayer boxes are randomly dropped while doing a slayer task!
Range Urn (Huge)
Melee Urn (Huge)
Magic Urn (Huge)
10% Slayer Damage Boost (Last’s 10 minutes)
50% Slayer Droprate (Last’s 10 minutes)
Slayer Skip Scroll - Allows you to skip current task
Slayer Extend Scroll - Extends current task when used
Misc Changes
Slayer teleport scrolls will now work with the new slayer dungeon
The checksoul command has been updated to more clearly tell you which soul you are on
All slayer helms that have either had a head or duo slayer item used on it will now have a detach option for 1m
Valentine's Day Update!
Welcome to our latest update introducing the Valentine’s Day Event!
Flying Hearts
These can be found by doing Ctrl + T - Events
Heartseeker Token: Gives 5% Temp Drop Rate
Heart Fragment: Claimable items to spawn the Heartseeker mass boss
Heart Crystal: Gives 2% Perm Drop Rate
Supreme Heart Crystal: Gives 4% Perm Drop Rate
Heartseeker Boss
This global boss will spawn once 85,000 heart fragments are claimed
Heartseeker Box
These boxes can be purchased using ::store they will cost $5 each
Thes boxes will give you 85k Heart Fragments each boc
Heartseeker Items (BIS)
Heartseeker Aura
This aura works the same as any other aura, Simply right click & operate to get the following bonuses!
These bonuses will last for 1 hour & have a 3 hours cooldown timer!
25% Damage Bonus
Chance to double loot at all Valentines content
Heartseeker Scythe
Heartseeker Sword
These weapons are now BIS base stats however! These weapons are a little more unique! You can use ANY weapon of your choice on these weapons, Example below!
You can use a fully enhanced T16 Hopeful Staff (U) on one of the weapons above, This will make it into a magic weapon with the stats of the T16 Hopeful Staff (U)
Heartseeker Shield
Works the same way as the weapons, Add any shield to this shield for the tier stats
Valentines Letter
Simply use this item on another play to receive the loot, Each player gets loot!
Heartseeker Fragments
The heartseeker fragments can also be farmed from the following NPCs
Slayer (Gear)
Global Bosses
Season Pass Superiors
We have decided to introduce season pass superiors! These will spawn randomly once completing the season pass!
King Of Hearts
King Of Hearts [P]
Dream Catcher Aura
The Dream Aura now gives you the choice to reroll your Dream Minigame Loot
This Aura works like the rest, Will be active for 1 hour & have a 3 hours cooldown
WARNING: The reroll loot CAN be worse than your previous loot!
Well Of Goodwill Changes
We have decided to give the well of goodwill a little love, This has added all new server wide perks that anyone can donate to!
Skill Grinder Changes
Dream ammo has now been added to the Skill Grinder
Accessories Examine Info
Every accessory now has the right click - examine information added
Accessories Examine Info
We are starting to take a couple of orders for customs weapons/armor. The customs will have a similar system as the Heartseeker gear above. Pm Red for more info. Here are the first weapons
Store Update
We have updated the store to a new system. ::store and ::donate will work as usual you will just have a new store to navigate through
Misc Changes
We have added a open-all option for slots
Boss respawn timers have been lowered to ~3 seconds
Dream minigame crystal/Dream minigame orb are now stackable & have claim all
Dream Bars/Ores are now stackable
Increased the amount of food/prayer pots at the cook NPC ::shops
Lowered the drop rate of Celestial NPCs (1/10K)
Lowered the drop rate of Dracolith, Dragon Warrior & Infinity Warlord (1/6K)
Slayer gems are now stackable
Supreme boxes have been added to the slayer shop
To start the quest, you'll need lvl 110 Smithing, lvl 105 herblore & Mining
Take note! You’ll need 30 achievement points as well to complete the quest!
Next, click the skillbook and select 'Dream City'
Next, find the quest icon logo on the minimap, and talk to Zabeth Corvid
After talking to the quest npc, you will received a Dream Vial, you are required to find 'Herb of Consciousness'
If you talk to the quest npc again, it will tell you his favourite place is to rest at North West of Dream City
Run Northwest till you see this greyish thing on the ground
Go directly onto the greyish block and right click the 'leg/run' icon on your minimap and choose 'Rest'
You will see the herb appearing onto the floor
Combine the herb and Dream Vial, and go back to the npc
Next, you are required to get a dream bar, run North East till you saw the Rocks
Over here, you can either use 20 coals + 1 dream ore for a chance to create the bar, or for those who have Inferno Adze, pray one of the ore will convert into a bar
Once u got the bar, go back to the npc and you will receive the Sigil Mould, Combine the bar with the mould, and you'll receive 'Dreamers Sigil'
Next, use the potion onto Dreamers Sigil, you'll get Hopeful Sigil
Next, just simple click the Sigil and Chant, it will tele you into a instance, run south and you’ll see Lucid. Kill him and go back to the quest npc 🙂
PS: Everytime you wana go to Lucid, just simple click the sigil and chant!
Hope you guys enjoy this simple guide!